London and Washington knew about a new armed conflict in Iraq in advance or who launched the dissolution of Iraq

Опубликовано: 01.07.2014

According to information published by The Telegraph UK and US governments had foreknowledge of upcoming operations in Iraq. Kurdish intelligence got the information about beginning of ISIL’s attack in the region subordinated to official Baghdad and warned London and Washington about it.

Also USA and UK authorities were informed about alliance formed between the association of Islamic State of Iraq and Levante and former leaders of the Ba’ath political party. First target of the new coalition should be Mosul, the seconds biggest city in Iraq.  Nevertheless, USA and UK officials didn’t react to this information.

It should be recalled that in January 2014 militant groups of ISIL took under control Fallujah and Ramadi, the biggest cities of Anbar Governorate. Government forces failed to bring back this area, and in June 2014 a massive attack of the merged anti-government forces took place in North and East of Iraq. Mosul along with other smaller cities and towns was captured at once: political correspondents noticed the strange performance of Iraqi commanders that surrendered arms and yielded up the territory.

As experts notice, it’s about 90% of the territory of Anbar Governorate controlled by anti-government forces whose influence had reached the Syria-Jordan border. At the same time these groups faced strong resistance of Kurdish armed forces which not only managed to stop ISIS’s pressure, but seized Kirkuk, the important oil center, as well.

The first who suffered from the Mosul’s fall was Turkish consulate-general staff. This plunged the authorities in Ankara into an alarmed condition. Besides, Iraqi Turkmens, autochthons of the battle area, are traditionally supported by Turks.

Some of agenda-driven experts and analysts claim Iraqi conflict to be a new coil of Sunni-Shia Muslims resistance. However, an objective approach to the picture shows different texture and vision.

For instance, it’s hard to interpret the conflict between ISIL and Kurdish Sunni Muslims as the Sunni-Shia confrontation, and Turkish hostage taking in Mosul as well. Free Syrian Army also fought against ISIL.


The map of the Greater Middle East according to U.S. National War Academy

The situation in Iraq is complicated and unpredictable.

Here, the fact that USA and UK ignored intelligence data lets one to suggest that these states are in interest of destructive processes in Greater Middle East.


Meanwhile, the minister of foreign affairs of Iraqi Kurdistan, an autonomous region of northern of state, F. Mustafa pointed the possibility of referendum on the status of Kurdistan.

In an exclusive interview to one of the Japanese media Mr. F. Mustafa stated that the basis for this step is the worsening situation in the east of Iraq where the alliance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and some members of the Ba’ath Party, the former ruling party in Iraq, reduced the influence of the official Baghdad significantly. Thus, the final decision to hold a referendum is not made yet, the leader of Iraqi Kurdistan M. Barzani mentioned that it can be hold at an early date.

The remarkable fact is that Turkey authorities, who supposed to be the main opponent of the independent Kurdistan, made it clear that Ankara is ready to accept the formation of a new Kurdish state in Iraq. The spokesman of Turkish ruling Justice and Development party H. Celik underlined this position in his interview to Financial Times.

It should be noted that the turning date of Turkey-Kurdistan relations became November, 2013 when Turkish prime-minister R. Erdogan firstly used the word “Kurdistan” on the meeting with the leader of the Kurdistan autonomous region M. Barzani. However, it’s clear that the position of the Turkish elite on the separation of Iraqi Kurdistan remains ambiguous and can vitiate depending on conjuncture.

Moreover, Israeli authorities inclusive of the prime-minister B. Netanyahu voiced the support to the “Independent Kurdistan”. This is not a surprising thing if we take into account a few Kurdish tankers sent to Israel passing over the official Baghdad.

Amid these processes the declaration on the formation of Islamic State in the eastern Iraq seems not to be a haphazard. In case of continuation of such trends the future of Iraq as the united nation is really getting more and more plaintive.

Muslim Politic

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