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The most important events in 2015

The most important events in 2015

2015 saw some truly far-reaching changes in the international geopolitical situation. So that we can get a thoroughly concise picture, we will try to outline the most significant events that… Подробнее… »

Diplomatic prospects of Sudan in the light of grand geopolitical changes in the Greater Middle East

Diplomatic prospects of Sudan in the light of grand geopolitical changes in the Greater Middle East

One might find it strange that Republic of the Sudan being a poor African country is able to become an outpost for countering a number of regional threats under certain… Подробнее… »

US plans to Partition Iraq and Syria into “Pipeline States”

US plans to Partition Iraq and Syria into “Pipeline States”

The plan to partition Iraq came into existence before the US invaded the country. Its implementation started with “no-fly zones” established in 1991 to the north of Tikrit and south… Подробнее… »

The Greater Middle East in the face of earnest geopolitical changes (Part II)

The Greater Middle East in the face of earnest geopolitical changes (Part II)

Part I Fourth version is chaos and/or collapse Developments concerning Saudi Arabia are so much balled up that it seems members of the ruling dynasty do not comprehend how to… Подробнее… »

The Greater Middle East in the face of earnest geopolitical changes (Part I)

The Greater Middle East in the face of earnest geopolitical changes (Part I)

The current developments in the Greater Middle East provoke many experts and analysts to reflect their genuine nature, since this the most important subregion reaches a point of bifurcation after… Подробнее… »

From “Asian” to “European”. Russia and its Muslim minority

From “Asian” to “European”. Russia and its Muslim minority

It is much written and told about Islam in Europe and North America, as well as about an experience of its followers and their intensive development at the present stage…. Подробнее… »

Chaos in the Muslim world: all goes to plan (Part II)

Chaos in the Muslim world: all goes to plan (Part II)

Part I With regard to the Sinai Peninsula, this involves re-establishing control over Sinai as a strategic, economic and energy reserve for the long run. «Egypt, in its present domestic… Подробнее… »

Chaos in the Muslim world: all goes to plan (Part I)

Chaos in the Muslim world: all goes to plan (Part I)

Thirty years ago, American strategists introduced the idea of «The Greater Middle East», denoting the space from Maghreb to Bangladesh, and declared this vast territory to be a zone of… Подробнее… »

Information dictatorship in Bahraini political environment

Information dictatorship in Bahraini political environment

Despite a large scale of political confrontation in Bahrain since 2011, the Western media agencies did not pay decent attention to this matter. And even if a light is shed… Подробнее… »

“Information warfare” between ISIS and world community

“Information warfare” between ISIS and world community

It is known that who owns the information – owns the world. In the modern era of hi-tech and transparency this truth becomes even more relevant. Methods of “information warfare”… Подробнее… »